Well...people are starting to comment on my blog, so to get publicity out about our journalism stuff go to youtube.com and type in youtube.com/user/mrvogts. It is the only video on there. That's our journalism class speaking, it's a poem we put together in our own words. Always remember 9/11!
I am blogging about life, because there are so many interesting things that people wonder what to do about, and sometimes they need advice on life.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Monday, September 12, 2011
So...yesterday was 9/11. It ws a very interesting day. All the news could talk about was how it happened and what not. Another thing they did ws talk about the memorial. I don't think any of the speeches that peole made there could have summed it up. I believe that President Lincolns Gettysburg Address is the best way to thoink of it. Especially when he says"But in a larger sense,we can not dedicate--we can not consecrate--we can not hallow--this ground. The brave men(and women), living and dead, who struggled here(for life), have consecrated it , far above our poor power to add or detract. The worl will little note, nor long remember what we say hre,but it can never forget what they did here." -Lincoln. Well, we all have remembered long what Lincoln said there, but I think he sums it up really well. He goes on to say that what they started we need to finish. I agree we need to finish the war. I think the speech it almost perfect, but not quit. It's like a song that has the best lyrics for what your feeling, but it has just that one thing that isn't right. Anyways, I feels so bad for all those peoples families. I am praying for them!
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
So, this weekend I was watching a special on TLC. It was about 9/11. Very sad. It isn't very often anymore that something you see on TV touches you but this did. I have to thank two people who really touched me when I saw that show. Frank de Martini and Pablo Ortiz. They both worked on the construction floor of the North tower. The 88th floor. Frank and Pablo were 5 floors down from the impact site. They got their whole office out and headed down the stairs, but they didn't follow. They went up instead of down. Frank and Pablo saved over a hundred peoples lives, but couldn't save their own. All that we know is the last time they were seen was on about the 60th floor, after that no one knows. I thank these men for their bravery. Whenever some one dies it changes the world. They could have been the one to invent the cure for cancer. You never know what could have come of that one person. 9/11 was a tragedy for US and its people.
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